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If you consider all the things we are told avoid: sugar, refined foods, processed foods and too much meat, it makes sense why, when you consider the pH of all these foods...very low. By contrast, all the foods that we are encouraged to get lots of and a great for us: vegetables, essential oils, seeds, (but with the exception of milk and fruit) have higher pH levels when inside us. Not only are they highly nutritious foods but they help maintain a pH in the body that sustains our lives.


Helping our body stay at a just above neutral pH of 7.365 is essential in order to maintain optimum health. When we eat alkaline foods our bodies can stay balanced far more easily. When your body's (blood and extracellular fluids) pH is perfectly balanced you will feel more energised and focused, have brighter skin, silkier hair, healthier weight loss, a stronger immune system and cleaner blood. Who wouldn't want that?


By contrast, consuming too much acidic foods has the potential to bring our bodies way out of balance and this can bring about a multitude of problems. We create an ideal breeding ground in our gut and boodstreams for bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses to grow - they can only do harm to us when their numbers becom too high. What's more, too much acid, in many cases, is the leading cause of excess weight, fatigue and grave diseases (among countless other signs of poor health).











If you are facing any kind of ill health or want to live a more vibrant and healthy life, one thing that can definitely help you out for sure... is rebalancing your pH...


And The Alkaline Challenge is here to help you!

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